59. Kim, A. J., Stewart, S. H., Sherry, S. B., McGrath, D. S., Mushquash, C. J., Olthuis, J. V., & Mushquash, A. R. (2024). Clarifying the pathway from anxiety sensitivity to binge eating: The mediating role of depressive symptoms in a 3-week, 3-wave longitudinal study of undergraduates. Eating behaviors, 52, 101843. Advance online publication.
58. Malik, I., Perez, A., Toombs, E., Schmidt, F., Olthuis, J., Charlton, J. K., Grassia, E., Squier, C., Stasiuk, K., Bobinski, T., & Mushquash, A. R. (accepted). Female youth and mental health service providers' perspectives on the JoyPopTM app: A qualitative study. Frontiers in Digital Health.
57. Mohammed, S. K. F., Maranzan, K. A., & Mushquash, A. R. (2023). Mattering matters for students high in socially prescribed perfectionism as they transition to university: Support for a moderation model. Personality and Individual Differences, 214, 1-4.
56. McGeown, L., Mushquash, A. R., & De Young, K. P. (accepted). Disinhibited or disconnected? Dietary restraint attenuates the relationship between heart rate variability and stress-induced suppression of food intake. Journal of Psychophysiology.
55. Waddington, K. C., Irwin, J. D., Mushquash, A. R., Sinden, K. E., & Pearson, E. S. (2023). Coaches Deserve the Care and Attention They Are Nurturing in Others: exploring co-active life coaches’ perspectives on professional practise and self-care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 1-16.
54. Charlton, J. K., Grassia, E., Popowich, A. D., & Mushquash, A. R. (2023). Like mother, like daughter: Excessive reassurance seeking across mother-daughter and romantic relationships. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 28(2), 157-161.
53. Zenlea, I. S., Sebastianski, M., Kucera, M., Mushquash, A. R., Boles, K., Brogly, J., Delacruz, B., McGeown, L., Ball, G. D. C., & Johnston, B. C. (2023). Lack of patient values and preferences regarding health outcomes in managing pediatric obesity - A systematic review. Pediatric obesity, 18(5), e13006.
52. Zenlea, I. S., Sebastianski, M., Kucera, M., Mushquash, A. R., Boles, K., Brogly, J., Delacruz, B., McGeown, L., Ball, G. D., Johnston, B. C., Birken, C., Buchholz, A., Cantwell, J., Cooper, J., Erdstein, J., Hadjiyannakis, S., Hamilton, J., Hatanaka, D., Henderson, M., Lebel, T., Lindsay, P., Moore, S., Morrison, K., Page, S., Pearce, N., St-Pierre, J., & Sherifali, D. (2023) Incorporation of patient and family values and preferences for health‐related outcomes in Paediatric Obesity Management: A systematic review. Pediatric Obesity, 18(5).
51. Joyce, K. M., Rioux, C., MacKinnon, A. L., Katz, L. Y., Reynolds, K., Kelly, L. E., Klassen, T., Afifi, T. O., Mushquash, A. R., Clement, F. M., Chartier, M., Xie, E. B., Penner, K., Hunter, S., Berard, L., Tomfohr-Madsen, L., & Roos, L. E. (2023). The building emotional awareness and mental health (BEAM) program developed with a community partner for mothers of infants: Protocol for a feasibility randomized controlled trial. Pilot Feasibility Stud 9(35).
50. McGeown, L., De Young, K. P., & Mushquash, A. R. (2023). Disconnect between sympathetically-induced hunger suppression and consumption among highly restrained eaters following stress. Appetite, 181, 106419.
49. Kim, A. J., Sherry, S. B., Stewart, S. H., Smith, M. M., Popowich, A., & Mushquash, A. R. (2023). Perfectionistic concerns and binge eating in mother-daughter dyads: An actor-partner interdependence model. Eating behaviors, 48,
48. Glena, V. S., Mushquash, A. R., Gotwals, J. K., Sinden, K. E., & Pearson, E. S. (2023). “staying in the present moment is important”: Examining the impact of a short-term classroom-based mindfulness intervention among first-year students. Journal of American College Health, 1–10.
47. Spence, N. D., Newton, A. S., Keaschuk, R. A., Ambler, K. A., Holt, N. L., Jetha, M. M.,Mushquash, A. R., Rosychuk, R. J., Sharma, A. M., Spence, J. C., & Ball, G. D. C. (2023). Parents as agents of change in managing pediatric obesity: A randomized controlled trial comparing cognitive behavioral therapy versus psychoeducation interventions. Childhood Obesity, 19(2), 71–87.
46. Toombs, E.T., Lund, J. I., Mushquash, A. R., & Mushquash, C. J. (2023). Intergenerational Residential School Attendance and Increased Substance Use among First Nation Adults Living Off-Reserve: An Analysis of the Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2017. Frontiers in Public Health, Section Life-Course Epidemiology and Social Inequalities in Health, 1.
45. Mushquash, A. R., Charlton, J. K., MacIsaac, A., & Ryan, K. (2022). Romance behind the screens: Exploring the role of technoference on intimacy. Cyberpsychology, Behaviour, and Social Networking, 25(12)
44. Maclsaac, A., Wekerle, C., & Mushquash, A. R. (2022). Writing yourself well: Dispositional self-reflection moderates the effects of journaling on psychological wellbeing across time. Behaviour Change, 1-17. doi:10.1017/bec.2022.24
43. Toombs, E., Lund, J., Mushquash, A. R., & Mushquash, C. J. (2022). Predictors of land-based activity participation in a national representative sample of indigenous individuals living off-reserve. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 8029.
42. Kim, A. J., Sherry, S. B., Nealis, L. J., Mushquash, A. R., Lee-Baggley, D., & Stewart, S. H. (2022). Do symptoms of depression and anxiety contribute to heavy episodic drinking? A 3-wave longitudinal study of adult community members. Addictive Behaviors, 107295.
41. McGeown, L., Ball, G. D. C., & Mushquash, A. R. (2021). Is there a role for self-referral in paediatric weight management? Childhood Obesity, 17(8), 559-562.
40. Mushquash, A. R., Pearson, E. S., Waddington, K., MacIsaac, A., Mohammed, S., Grassia, E., Smith, S., & Wekerle, C. (accepted). User perspectives on the resilience-building JoyPop app: Qualitative study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth.
39. Malik, I., Toombs, E., Mushquash, A. R., McGrath, D. S., & Mushquash, C. J. (in press). Materialism predicts risky drinking motives after controlling for risky personality traits in a short-term longitudinal study. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research.
38. Mushquash, A. R. & Grassia, E. (2021). Coping during COVID-19: Examining student stress and depressive symptoms. Journal of American College Health.
37. MacIsaac, A., Mushquash, A. R., Mohammed, S., Grassia, E., Smith, S., & Wekerle, C. (2021). Adverse Childhood Experiences and Building Resilience With the JoyPop App: Evaluation Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 9 (1), e25087.
36. Marshall, N., Mushquash, A. R., Mushquash, C. J., Mazmanian, D., & McGrath, D. S. (2020). Marijuana use in undergraduate students: The short-term relationship between motives and frequency of use. Journal of Substance Use.
35. Mushquash, A. R., McGeown, L., Mushquash, C. J., & McGrath, D. S. (2020). Which came first? Exploring the reciprocal relations between impulsivity and binge eating. Personality and Individual Differences.
34. Popowich, A., Mushquash, A. R., Pearson, E., Schmidt, F., & Mushquash, C. J. (2019). Barriers and facilitators affecting the sustainability of dialectical behavior therapy programs: A qualitative study of clinician perspectives. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research.
33. Dubois, S., Mushquash, A. R., Weaver, B., & Bedard, M (2018). Age modifies the association between driver’s body mass index and death following motor vehicle crashes. Traffic Injury Prevention. (Download)
32. Mushquash, A. R., Rashquinha, A. M., Friedman, A., & Ball, G. D. C. (2018). Examining the accuracy and use of portion size estimation aids in parents of children with obesity: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of the Nutrition Education and Behavior, 50, 918-923. (Download)
31. Ewen, V., Mushquash, A. R., Mushquash, C. J., Bailey, S. K., Haggarty, J. M., & Stones, M. J. (2018). Single-session therapy in outpatient mental health services: Examining the effect on mental health symptoms and functioning. Social Work in Mental Health. (Download)
30. Smith, M. M., Sherry, S. B., Mushquash, A. R., Saklofske, D. H., Gautreau, C., & Nealis, L. J. (2017). Perfectionism erodes social self-esteem and generates depressive symptoms: Studying mother-daughter dyads using a daily diary study with longitudinal follow-up. Journal of Personality, 71, 72-79. (Download)
29. Smith, M. M., Sherry, S. B., Gautreau, C. M., Mushquash, A. R., Saklofske, D. H., & Allen, S. L. (2017). Fathers’ psychological control and fathers’ other-oriented perfectionism uniquely predict daughters’ self-critical perfectionism: A study of 159 father-daughter dyads. Personality and Individual Differences, 119, 242-248. (Download)
28. Tanner, J., Kruse, A. S., Mushquash, C. J., Mushquash, A. R., & Mazmanian, D. (2017). Harm reduction in gambling: A systematic review of industry strategies. Addiction Research and Theory, 25, 485-494. (Download)
27. Drawson, A. S., Tanner, J., Mushquash, C. J., Mushquash, A. R., & Mazmanian, D. (2017). The use of protective behavioural strategies in gambling: A systematic review. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 15, 1302-1319. (Download)
26. Drawson, A. S., Mushquash, A. R., & Mushquash, C. J. (2017). First Nations community wellbeing research and large datasets: A respectful caution. International Journal of Indigenous Health, 12, 15-24. (Download)
25. Ball, G. D. C., Mushquash, A. R., Keaschuk, R. A., Ambler, K. A., & Newton, A. S. (2017). Using intervention mapping to develop the Parents as Agents of Change (PAC) intervention for managing pediatric obesity. BMC Research Notes, 10, 43-54. (Download)
24. Bartel, S. J., Sherry, S. B., Molnar, D., Mushquash, A. R., Leonard, K., & Stewart, S. H. (2017). Do romantic partners influence each other’s heavy episodic drinking? Support for the Partner Influence Hypothesis in a 3-year longitudinal study. Addictive Behaviors, 69, 55-58. (Download)
23. Smith, M. M., Sherry, S. B., Saklofske, D., & Mushquash, A. R. (2017). Clarifying the perfectionism-procrastination relationship using a 7-day, 14-occasion daily diary study. Personality and Individual Differences, 112, 117-123. (Download)
22. Smith, M. M., Sherry, S. B., Gautreau, C. M., Stewart, S. H., Saklofske, D. H., and Mushquash, A. R. (2017). Testing the reciprocal relations between perfectionistic concerns and binge eating: A short-term four-wave longitudinal study of undergraduate women. Eating Behaviors, 26, 23-26. (Download)
21. Ewen, V., Mushquash, A. R., Bailey, S. K., Haggarty, J., Dama, S., & Mushquash, C. J. (2016). Same-Day Counselling: Study protocol for the evaluation of a new mental health service. JMIR Research Protocols, 5, e22. (Download)
20. Mushquash, A. R., & McMahan, M. (2015). Dialectical behavior therapy skills training reduces binge eating among patients seeking weight-management services: Preliminary evidence. Eating and Weight Disorders, 20, 415-418. (Download)
19. Gautreau, C. M., Sherry, S. B., Mushquash, A. R., & Stewart, S. H. (2015). Is self-critical perfectionism an antecedent of or a consequence of social anxiety, or both? A 12-month, three-wave longitudinal study. Personality and Individual Differences, 82, 125-130. (Download)
18. Sherry, D. L., Sherry, S. B., Hewitt, P. L., Mushquash, A. R., & Flett, G. L. (2015). The existential model of perfectionism and depressive symptoms: Tests of incremental validity, gender differences, and moderated mediation. Personality and Individual Differences, 76, 104-110. (Download)
17. Mushquash, A. R., Sherry, S. B., Mackinnon S. P., Mushquash, C. J., & Stewart, S. H. (2014). Heavy episodic drinking is a trait-state: A cautionary note. Substance Abuse, 35, 222-225. (Download)
16. Sherry, S. B., Gautreau, C. M., Mushquash, A. R., Sherry, D. L., & Allen, S. L. (2014). Self-critical perfectionism confers vulnerability to depression after controlling for neuroticism: A longitudinal study of middle-aged, community-dwelling women. Personality and Individual Differences, 69, 1-4. (Download)
15. Mushquash, C. J., Stewart, S. H., Mushquash, A. R., Comeau, M. N., & McGrath, P. J. (2014). Personality traits and drinking motives predict alcohol misuse among Canadian Aboriginal youth. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 12, 270-282. (Download)
14. Short, M. M., Mushquash, A. R., & Sherry, S. B. (2013). Perseveration moderates the relationship between perfectionism and binge eating: A multi-method daily diary study. Eating Behaviors, 14, 394-396. (Download)
13. Mushquash, A. R., Stewart, S. H., Sherry, S. B., Mackinnon, S. P., Antony, M. M., & Sherry, D. L. (2013). Heavy episodic drinking among dating partners: A longitudinal actor-partner interdependence model. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 27, 178-183. (Download)
12. Mushquash, A. R. & Sherry, S. B. (2013). Testing the perfectionism model of binge eating in mother-daughter dyads: A mixed longitudinal and daily diary study. Eating Behaviors, 14, 171-179. (Download)
11. Mushquash, A. R., Stewart, S. H., Sherry, S. B., Sherry, D. L., Mushquash C. J., & MacKinnon, A. L. (2013). Depressive symptoms are a vulnerability factor for heavy episodic drinking: A short-term, Four-wave longitudinal study of undergraduate women. Addictive Behaviors, 38, 2180-2186. (Download)
10. Sherry, S. B., MacKinnon, A. L., Fossum, K., Antony, M. M., Stewart, S. H., Sherry, D. L., Nealis, L. J., & Mushquash, A. R. (2013). Perfectionism, discrepancies, and depression: Testing the social disconnection model in a short-term, four-wave longitudinal study. Personality and Individual Differences, 54, 692-697. (Download)
9. Mushquash, A. R., Sherry, S. B., Sherry, D. L., & Allen, S. L. (2013). Latent self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism: Tests of factorial, convergent, and discriminant validity using self- and informant reports. Personality and Individual Differences, 54, 640-646. (Download)
8. Mushquash, A. R. & Sherry, S. B. (2012). Understanding the socially prescribed perfectionist’s cycle of self-defeat: A 7-day, 14-occasion daily diary study. Journal of Research in Personality, 46, 700-709. (Download)
7. Mushquash, A. R., Fawcett, J. M., Klein, R. M. (2012). Inhibition of return and schizophrenia: A meta- analysis. Schizophrenia Research, 135, 55-61. (Download)
6. McGrath, D. S., Sherry, S. B., Stewart, S. H., Mushquash, A. R., Allen, S. L., Nealis, L. J., & Sherry, D. L. (2012). Reciprocal relations between self-critical perfectionism and depressive symptoms: Evidence from a short-term, four-wave longitudinal study. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 44, 169-181. (Download)
5. Sherry, S. B., Hewitt, P. L., Stewart, S. H., MacKinnon, A. L., Mushquash, A. R., Flett, G. L., & Sherry, D. L. (2012). Social disconnection and hazardous drinking mediate the link between perfectionistic attitudes and depressive symptoms. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 34, 370-381. (Download)
4. Mackinnon, S. P., Sherry, S. B., Graham, A. R., Stewart, S. H., Sherry, D. L., Allen, S. L., Fitzpatrick, S., & McGrath, D. S. (2011). Reformulating and testing the perfectionism model of binge eating: A short-term, four-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58, 630-646. (Download)
3. Graham, A. R., Sherry, S. B., Stewart, S. H., Sherry, D. L., McGrath, D. S., Fossum, K. M., & Allen, S. L. (2010). The existential model of perfectionism and depressive symptoms: A short-term, four-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 57, 423-438. (Download)
2. Sherry, S. B., Hewitt, P. L., Sherry, D. L., Flett, G. L., & Graham, A. R. (2010). Perfectionism dimensions and research productivity in psychology professors: Implications for understanding the (mal)adaptiveness of perfectionism. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 42, 273-283. (Download)
1. MacSwain, K. L. H., Sherry, S. B., Stewart, S. H., Watt, M. C., Hadjistavropoulos, H. D., & Graham, A. R. (2009). Gender differences in health anxiety: An investigation of the interpersonal model of health anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 47, 938-943. (Download)
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